Radnor Township is Updating its Comprehensive Plan! 

The Comprehensive Plan, A Vision for Radnor 2035, acts as a roadmap for Radnor Township's next decade and beyond. It serves as the foundation for policy and investment decisions and lays out goals and strategies for a variety of topics that include land use, housing, open space, economic development, infrastructure, social services, transportation, culture, and more.

A successful, community-driven plan relies on the voices and perspectives of those who live in and visit Radnor Township. Sign up for project emails below to stay connected and get updates on how you can participate. A draft of the plan is available for download here. See the Library for summaries of existing conditions and community engagement as well as recordings of past presenations.

Shaping our future priorities​

Radnor Township is updating its Comprehensive Plan! The Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide for the Township's future priorities.

Follow this page to stay up to date throughout the process.